Featured Flooring


Hallmark Floors - Amber Pine


The True Difference

Amber Pine – Unlike other wood floors, the color and beauty of these are unique, in the True Hardwood Collection color goes throughout the surface layer without using stains or dyes. The results are truly stunning and extraordinarily beautiful, with distinctive features and benefits.
True Collection
SIZE: 7.5″ x 6’2″ RL
FINISH: Nu Oil® Super-Matte
SPECIES: American Pine
STRUCTURE: Engineered Sawn Cut
WARRANTY: Lifetime Structural & Residential Finish
VARIATION RATING: V4 – Substantial Board Variation

Additional Information
Hardwood Floors: True
Length: Up to 6'2" RL
Width: 7.5"
Thickness: 5/8"
Construction: Engineered Hardwood
Surface Texture: Replicated real driftwood
Finish: Nu Oil® Super-Matte
Edge: Handcrafted Bevel
Species: Pine
Warranty: Limited Lifetime Structural & Residential Finish + 3 years Commercial Finish and 10 year Commercial Structural
Design: Modern Traditional
Style: Weathered, rustic and aged
Package: 31.08 sqft / carton; 40 cartons / pallet
Weight: 50 lbs / carton
Trim Options: Stair Nosing / T-Molding / Threshold / Reducer / Stair Nose; Length 82″
Cleaning Methods: Nu Oil® Floor Cleaner

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